Hanuman and Success in life
KV Venugopalan
Hanuman is a universal God worshipped across continents irrespective of their religion, cast or creed. People worship Lord Hanuman to get blessings and to be free from evil spirits, to overcome complex problems in life such as long standing health problems, problems in marriage life, mental or psychological problems like depression, anxiety, fear, and to overcome negative attitude and induce courage. Hanuman worship helps one stay disciplined, achieve greater heights in life and career. Hanuman prayers also help one overcome bad habits like corruption, adultery, laziness, fickle mindedness, procrastination etc. It brings in confidence and stable mind. If you are said to be affected by shani dosha, then praying hanuman is beneficial. Most people pray to Lord Hanuman either on Tuesdays or Saturdays either by visiting Hanuman temples or at home and can also chant Hanuman Chalisa every day to get His blessings.
Hanuman – the Name
The name can be interpreted in two different ways. Hanu means Jaw and Man(t) means disfigured. As per mythology Hanuman’s jaw was disfigured by Lord Indra while he was trying to eat Sun thinking it is a fruit. The second meaning is Han means killed or destroyed and Man means Pride.
Both the meanings are same, someone who has destroyed his pride. Someone who is not arrogant or egoistic, one of the fundamental characteristic necessary to be successful in life. We can be proud of our achievements but never to display pride.
Hanuman Mantra
Whenever you pray to Lord Hanuman, one of the dyana mantra used is as follows.
“Mano-Javam Maaruta-Tulya-Vegam
Jite[a-I]ndriyam Buddhi-Mataam Varissttha |
Vaata-Atmajam Vaanara-Yuutha-Mukhyam
Shriiraama-Duutam Sharannam Prapadye |”
The meaning of the Mantra is as follows.
Manojavam – the one who is swift as mind
Marutatulyavegam – the one who has a speed equal to the wind God
Jitendriyum – the one who has complete control of his senses
Buddhimataamvarishtham – Superior intelligence
After the mantra one also chants Jai Bajrang Bali. This means
Bajrang Bali – the strong one (bali), who had limbs (anga) as hard as a Vajra.
Let us analyse the significance of this mantra.
To be successful in life one must be strong physically, mentally, intellectually and socially. Hanuman is a symbol of all the four and you pray him to be like him or to get his blessings to be like him. Physically Hanuman is the strongest; he can carry mountains, jump across oceans and defeat any person on earth due to his prowess. His body is hard as diamond (Vajra). He can execute any task assigned at the speed of thought (manojavam) and has superior intelligence. Finally one must have uncompromising discipline in whatever we do and that is only possible if we overcome temptations (Jitendrium). You are tempted to sleep that extra hour, skipping your morning exercise, you are tempted to eat and drink everything you see at the buffet, you are prone to procrastinate due to laziness, and these are signs of not having control over your mind or indriyas. To be successful in life, you must be like Hanuman, physically, mentally and intellectually strong and with complete control over all your temptations.
Hanuman – Parents and Guru
Legend says that Anjana, a beautiful Apsara in the celestial court of Lord Brahma was cursed by a sage that, the moment she fell in love her face would transform to that of a monkey. Lord Brahma thought of helping her and blessed her that as soon as a son is born to her, the effect of curse will be over and she will return to brahmalok. Anjana took birth on earth and later fell in love with Kesari, the monkey king and they both married each other. Being an ardent devotee of Lord Shiva, she continued with her tapasya to please the God. Lord Shiva was impressed and she wished him to be her son so that she would be freed from the curse of the sage. Few days later, King Dasarath was performing a yagna after which the sage gave him kheer to feed all his wives. A portion of Kaushlya, his eldest wife, was snatched by a kite who flew all the way where Anjana was meditating. Lord Vayu (Pawan – Wind) on the signal of Lord Shiva kept the kheer in Anjana’s hand. Thinking it as Lord Shiva’s prasad Anjana ate it and thus gave birth to his incarnation – Pawan Putra Hanuman, the son of the Lord of the Winds.
According to this story, Lord Hanuman is an avatar of Lord Siva and the Son of Kesari and Anjana and also Lord Vayu. Kesari means Lion and lion represents courage. Anjana means pure intelligence and Gurukripa. Vayu represents strength, speed and purity. If a room is closed for days, the first thing one does is to open it and get some fresh air, so that the room is purified. Two things are needed in life to be successful, strength and purity. A strong person may not be always pure, but a pure person is always strong. Hanuman reflects both strength and purity.
Hanuman’s Guru was Lord Surya. When Hanuman approached Lord Surya to be his Guru, he refused telling that he is too busy and has no time to teach. However he agreed to be his guru if Hanuman can withstand the heat and walk backwards the constantly moving guru at equal pace, while taking his lessons. Hanuman agreed and learned all the vedas and sastras in the shortest possible time.
Becoming a scholar of repute is not an easy task and needs commitment, hard work and willing and ability to overcome all possible obstacles. Hanuman is the symbol of all that and one can only become like him by being like him.
Surya and Vayu, the Guru and Father, symbolises selflessness and purity. Surya gives light and heat to all, irrespective of the qualities of the receiver, so is Vayu, the life giver. They are both purifiers too. Except that Vayu serves others without making its presence felt, total selfless service to the humanity. Serve the society like Surya and Vayu; one can attain great success in life.
Blessings and Curses
Believing the sun to be a ripe fruit, Hanuman pursued it in order to eat it. Enraged Indra, who responded by throwing the Vajra (thunderbolt) at Hanuman, which struck his jaw and he fell down to earth. Upset over the attack, Hanuman’s father figure Vayu deva (the deity of air) went into seclusion, withdrawing air along with him. As living beings began to asphyxiate, Indra withdrew the effect of his thunderbolt. The Devas then revived Hanuman and blessed him with multiple boons to appease Vayu.
Brahma gave Hanuman a boon that “Nobody will be able to kill you with any weapon in war.” For any creative or productive functioning, the fundamental requisite is knowledge. Brahma represents knowledge and Hanuman had so much knowledge in every subject on earth that he could easily overcome any difficulties in life and be successful. Imagine any Professional with extensive knowledge in multiple subjects! That person is such a boon to the society s/he lives or organization s/he works.
From Shiva he obtained the boons of longevity, scriptural wisdom and ability to cross the ocean. Shiva gave Hanuman spiritual wisdom and ability to live a happy life. (Crossing the ocean means crossing the “samsara sagaram”, the life hurdle.)
Surya gave him two siddhis of yoga namely “laghima” and “garima”, to be able to attain the smallest or to attain the biggest form. Laghima and Garima is not only changing physical form, but also reflects how you interact with people in different positions, status, professions, etc. In business there is a saying – You will be delegated to the person whom you most talk like. That means one has to raise the standards of discussions while negotiating with the CEO of a company, and talk what interests people at the lower lever level while negotiating or interacting with them. A CFO is more interested in the financial benefits or increase in productivity of the new capital investment, but at the operator level they are more interested in ease of operation and minimum down time of the system. This unique ability is essential for any sales person to be successful in his job.
Anjaneya Prabhava
Hanuman was very powerful and could do anything that he wishes. In the forest, as a young boy, he will jump from trees to trees and hurl elephants at great speeds across. This disturbed the Rishis who were meditating there and cursed him that “you will forget your powers until someone reminds you”.
Sugriva sent four armies in four directions in search of Sita. The team led by Angada which included among others hanuman and Jambavan went to the southern side and finally reached the sea-shore. They were all sad about not finding Sita and did not want to go back to Sugriva with news of their failure. They thought that it was better to fast and die on the sea-shore. From a neighbouring hill, Sampati, the vulture King, saw this crowd of Vanaras, resigning themselves to fate. Having lost his wings and being unable to move, Sampati had been famishing for a long time. The Vanaras got up, went to Sampati and gently led him down from the hill. Sampati was old and weak, but his eyes had not lost their keenness. He could see things which were very far off. Looking in the South across the sea, he could see Sita captive in Lanka. He described in detail how Sita sat surrounded by rakshasas in a garden in Lanka. The Vanaras were wild with joy. They jumped about saying, “Now we know all about Sita. There is no need for us to die; Rama’s purpose will be achieved.”
They decided that they had to cross the sea; find Sita and only then go back to Sugriva to report what they had seen. They went to the edge of the water and discussed matters. “How can we cross the sea, enter Lanka, see Sita and return?” Anxiety and fear overwhelmed them. Angada said: “No matter how hard the task, one should never lose courage. Courage is the key to success. To lose heart is to lose everything.” Then he asked each one of his followers to state truly the maximum length that he could jump. One by one, they all spoke estimating the length they could jump, but all fell short of the distance to Lanka. Finally, the aged Jambavan cast an admiring look at Hanuman, who had sat apart, listening to the talk, but saying nothing. “I feel that the son of Vayu, sitting there in silence is the one best fitted by strength and skill to do this deed,” said the old Vanara and walked up to Hanuman and brought him to their midst. Jambavan addressed Hanuman thus: “Born of Anjana and the spirit of the Wind-God, you are equal to him in splendour, intelligence and power. But, for all your strength, you are virtuous and modest. You alone can help us to fulfil Rama’s purpose. Crossing the sea is no hard task to you. Increase your stature. You are the equal of Garuda.
Hearing Jambavan reminding him of his strength, Hanuman’s dormant courage was roused. At once his form began to swell like the sea in high tide. Even as the Vanaras were watching him, the son of Vayu grew in size. The radiance of his body filled Angada and his companions with wonder and joy. Reminded of his might by Jambavan, Hanuman was now determined to fulfil Rama’s purpose. And with fervour he uttered his faith: “May your words come true. Flying through the sky and alighting in Lanka, I shall see Janaki, I have no doubt. I shall return and bring you good news.
This is called “Anjaneya Prabhava”, not realising the full potential in each one of us. All of us have the innate ability to achieve whatever we want to in our life. However we resign ourselves thinking that it is beyond our ability until we see a guide or guru like Jambavan, who reminds us of our powers. If you are a professional, you must look for a mentor who has the knowledge, power and vision to guide you to achieve greater success and positions in your professional life. Infinite is the potential of the human being. We have to invoke that potential to realize the same.
Panchamukha Anjaneya
In another incident during the war, Rama and Lakshmana are captured by the rakshasa Mahiravana brother of Ravana, who held them captive in their palace in Patala, the netherworld. Mahiravana keeps them as offerings to his deity. Searching for them, Hanuman reaches Patala. Upon entering Patala, Hanuman discovers that to kill Mahiravana, he must simultaneously extinguish five lamps burning in different directions. Hanuman assumes the Panchamukha or five-faced form of Sri Varaha facing north, Sri Narasimha facing south, Sri Garuda facing west, Sri Hayagriva facing the sky and his own facing the east, and blows out the lamps. Hanuman then rescues Rama and Lakshmana.
What are the significances of these five faces?
Sri Hanuman (Original) – East – This face removes all blemishes of sin and confers purity of mind. To be successful one must live a life full of Ethics, Integrity & Trust.
Narasimha – South – Removes fear of enemies and confers victory. One needs Courage to face challenges and to be successful.
Garuda – West – Drives away evil spells, black magic influences, negative spirits and removes all poisonous effects in one’s body. Garuda is Lord Vishnu’s vehicle, as the King of birds he knows the secrets of death and the beyond. Garuda symbolises Mental, spiritual and physical power.
Varaha – North – Wards off the troubles caused by bad influences of the planets and confers all eight types’ prosperity (Ashta Aishwarya). Career progression can only be achieved by removing bad influences and by establishing better Image and exposure.
Hayagriva – Upwards – this face confers knowledge, victory, good wife and progeny. To achieve success in life one must have the necessary knowledge and skills and support and understanding from wife and children.
Pride and Emotional attachment
Shortly after he is crowned Emperor upon his return to Ayodhya, Rama decides to ceremoniously reward all his well-wishers. At a grand ceremony in his court, all his friends and allies take turns being honoured at the throne. Hanuman approaches without desiring any reward. Seeing Hanuman come up to him, an emotionally overwhelmed Rama embraces him warmly, declaring that he could never adequately honour or repay Hanuman for the help and services he received from the noble Vanara. Sita, however, insists that Hanuman deserved honour more than anyone else, and Sita gives him a necklace of precious stones adorning her neck.
When he receives it, Hanuman immediately takes it apart, and peers into each stone. Taken aback, many of those present demands to know why he is destroying the precious gift. Hanuman answers that he was looking into the stones to make sure that Rama and Sita are in them, because if they are not, the necklace is of no value to him. At this, a few mock Hanuman, saying his reverence and love for Rama and Sita could not possibly be as deep as he implies. In response, Hanuman tears his chest open, and everyone is stunned to see Rama and Sita literally in his heart.
This clearly reflects the love, dedication and loyalty that Hanuman had for Sita and Ram. Such pride and loyalty is mandatory for everyone towards the organization that one is working to be greatly successful. It is like patriotism, you are ready to go that extra mile for the success of your organization and you will be richly rewarded in due course of time for your efforts, dedication and loyalty.
Orange coloured Hanuman
One day Sita was wearing a red powder in the parting of her hair. Curiously Hanuman asked her why is she wearing the red powder. Sita replied “Hanuman! This is sindoor. Sindoor makes Lord Rama happy and would bless him with a long and prosperous life.” Listening to this Hanuman disappeared from the place and came back with his entire body including clothes fully covered with red sindoor. Lord Rama saw Hanuman covered with sindoor and asked the reason. Hanuman replied “Sita mata told me that by applying just a small pinch of sindoor on her head every day it will make you have a long and happy life. I thought if just a pinch will do so much, what will happen if I cover my entire body with sindoor.” Thus, Lord Ram gave a boon to all his devotees that those who apply sindoor to Hanuman and observe hanuman puja with sindoor would be blessed with a long, happy life and have their wishes fulfilled.
To be successful, one must be loyal and dedicated to the organization as well as the CEO/Immediate supervisor. Image you have a person working in your team who is willing to go that extra mile to ensure your success, what will you do for him?
Hanuman – Characteristics
Hanuman is a symbol of success and fulfilment. One needs courage, strength, intelligence, commitment and purity to be successful. Hanuman gets courage from his father – Kesari (Kesari means Lion), strength and Purity from his Father – Vayu. Intelligence from his mother – Anjana (Gurukripa) and Commitment from his Guru Surya – Come what may the Sun rises every day in the morning.
Hanuman never did anything for his happiness, always serving the King or the God. (Sugriva or Ram). Hanuman is the only GOD who has no blemishes or negative references on his name. Even Ram, Krishna, or every other GOD has some or other blemishes, but not Hanuman. Hanuman never failed in any of his efforts. Whatever task is assigned to Him is done with total commitment and success.
Vivekananda said, “Our young men must possess ‘muscles of iron and nerves of steel’, there could be no better role-model than Hanuman”.