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Two heads (brains) are better than one; unless two hands meet there won’t be a clap (sound), these are some of the general sayings that we keep hearing in our day to day life. It is a fact that unless two entities join together an objective cannot be achieved. The concept emphasizes the significance of working together, collective decision making, joint venture, partnership, utilization of quality circle, team work etc. in solving problems and finding solutions be it domestic or non domestic. In the backdrop of the theory of duality, number Two (2) has taken birth.  In our day to day life we find several such living examples of duality like that of wife and husband, male & female, couple, twins, duo, day & night, yes & no, sun & moon, heaven & hell, left & right, Adam & Eve, positive & negative, good & evil, right & wrong, sorrow & happiness, yin & yang etc. Number two also point to difference, discrimination, differentiation or conflict etc. Dualities are common in human approaches to the world, probably because of our preference for two-valued logic—yet another duality, true/false. Two is theory and practice; wisdom and method.

  1. In Hinduism, number Two is portrayed as Dvi (२) which can also be spelled as Dvai or Dvy, a Sanskrit word which is again based on the principle of duality. It is also known as Dvaya (two ways or two types). For example Prakruthi (nature) Purusha (God), Divine couples like Lakshmi Naaarayana, Gouri Shankara, Saraswathi Brahma, Seeta Rama, Radha Krishna etc fall in the group of divine representation of Dvaya.
  2. Ayanas two. A. Uttarayana, from July-August to December-January (Dhanu). B. Daksinayana, from January-February (Makaram) to June-July (Mithunam). For the Devas Uttarayana is day and Daksinayana night. Religious minded Hindus believe that Uttarayana is an auspicious period for death .
  3. Arthadusanas 2. (Misuse of wealth) – (1) Spending money for bad purposes and not spending money for good purposes. (ii) Stealing money or wealth and not giving money to poor deserving people.
  4. Alankaras 2. (Figures of speech)  –  Arthalankara and Sabdalankara.
  5. Aushadhas 2. (Medicines). Curatives like medicated oils and ghees, honey etc. and purgatives like vasti (enema) , recanam ( purgation) and vamanam (vomiting) .
  6. Aids for health 2. Cleanliness and sexual continence.
  7. Gurus 2. (Preceptors)  – Actual preceptor or preceptor in effect and casual preceptor.
  8. Katudvayam. – Pippali (long pepper) and Marica ( Pepper)
  9. Kalahakaranam –  2. (Causes for quarrel) – Gold and woman (Kanaka and Kamini).
  10. Kayadvayam (Two bodies). Mind and body.
  11. Karanadvayam (Two causes). Upadanam (ultimate cause) and Nimittam (immediate cause).
  12. Kshradvayam (Two salts). Alkaline salt (Saltpetre), Sodium Carbonate.
  13. Capaladvayam (Fickle ones 2) – Women and fools.
  14. Jnanadvayam (Knowledges.2). Superficial knowledge and deep knowledge. (Mandajnana and Drdhajnana) .
  15. Dharmadvayam (Duties 1). Action and renunciation. (Pravrtti and Nivrtti).
  16. Nisadvayam – Turmeric and Amonum Xanthorrhizon
  17. Nisthadvayam – Sadhya (knowledge) and Sadhana (action) .
  18. Paksadvayam. Krishnapaksa (dark fortnight) and Suklapaksa moon-lit fortnight.
  19. Padyakavyadvayam (Poetry)  2 –  Lyric and Mahakavyam (epic) .
  20. Papadvayam (Sins 2) . Original sin and acquired. (Janmapapa and Karmapapa) .
  21. Moksakaranadvayam. Causes for salvation (2) – Yoga and death in war.
  22. Yogadvayam. Karma (action) and Jnana (knowledge)
  23. Ragadvayam (colour). Purnam (unmixed) and Janyam (mixed).
  24. Rogadvayam (Diseases 2) –  (a) Physical and mental ( Kayika and Manasika) . (b) Congenital and acquired. (Sahaja and Agantuka).
  25. Viryadvayam – Heat and cold.
  26. Srngaradvayam. Love or the erotic sentiment – Love in union and that in separation. (Sambhoga and Vipralambha) .
  27. Srutidharmadvayam (Musical cadence ). High pitch and low pitch (Ucca and nica) .
  28. Samadhanakaranadvayam (Two causes for peace) – Patience or forbearance and generosity. (Ksama and danasila) .
  29. There are two blades on a pair of scissors and two sides to a piece of paper. People have two hands and so do some clocks. There are two sexes and two sides to an argument. Two-dimensional means that something has just length and width, but no depth.
  30. Bi- means two. For example, a bicycle has two wheels and a bigamist has two husbands or two wives.
  31. In the Hindu concept of marriage Dvi also stands for pair or couple known as Dampathi (wife and husband) in Sanskrit and their relationship is known as Daampatya. In fact the very concept of marriage is an association of two different entities living together for life time.
  32. In the concept of Rudraaksha, there is a two faced Rudraaksha known as Dvimukhi which signifies the symbolism of Ardhnaareeshwara a joint image of Lord Shiva and Goddess Paarvathi Devi.  This Rudraaksha is believed to bestow upon the wearer with harmony in life.
  33. Dvi also suggests Dweepa an island and Lord and Sage Veda Vyaasa is called as Krishna Dwaipayana the one who is dark in colour and born on an island.
  34. Number two signifies the famous Thaaraka manthra Rama which is a confluence of two letters Ra + Ma. It is said that these two letters are Jeevaakshara (life giving letters) carved out of the most famous Naaraayana Astaakshari and Shiva Panchaakshari. Ra carved out of Naaraayana Astaakshari; Om! Namo! Naaraayanaaya! and Ma from Shiva Panchaakshari; Om! Namah Sivaaya!  These two life giving letters (Dvi-akshara manthra) are the soul of these two powerful Mantras and when they are put together the powerful Thaaraka Manthra Rama emerges out. Without these two letters, these manthras become ineffective.
  35. In the Hinduism the one who has undergone and experienced Upanayana is called as Dvija meaning twice born.  Dvi means second and Ja means birth and Dvija means twice born or taking second birth. By birth every one is a Suudra. Only by performing certain rites (sanskaara) viz. Upanayana and getting inducted into Gaayathri Manthra upadesa, one gets spiritually purified; then he is known as Dvija.  Literally Upanayana sanskaara is a second birth to a human being.
  36. Famous Hindu philosophy propagated and founded by the great saint & philosopher Sri Madhvaachaarya known as Dvaitha Siddhaantha or Tattva Vaada is again based on the principle of duality. The doctrine perceived the fact that Jeevaatma or the individual soul is totally different from Paramaatma the supreme soul (Lord Sri ManNaaraayana) and Lord Sri Hari (Sri Maha Vishnu) is the supreme Lord.  It also asserts the fact that the universe (world) is real. Even the great epic SriMad Bhaagavatham says that if the Universe has come from that Supreme Reality, it cannot be unreal.
  37. Yin and Yang – In Daoist philosophy Yin and Yang are the two forces that keep the universe in perfect balance.
  38. The planet Mars has two moons: Phobos and Deimos .
  39. Janus was the two-headed god of the Roman mythology. The two heads faced opposite directions. Janus was the god of the doorways and entrances. He could see both the past and the future.
  1. Trilokas – Bhur – Bhuvah – Svah (Earth, Heaven and Netherworlds) are the three worlds which forms the universe.
  2. Trimukhi Rudraaksha: In the concept of Rudraaksha, there is a three faced Rudraaksha known as Trimukhi believed to represent Agni (Fire God) and planet Mars (Kuja). It is believed to bestow upon the wearer the ability to distance him self from committing sins and wrong doings.
  3. Trikaala-sandhya- Sandhya means the meeting period or transit time of day and night (dawn to dusk). Sandhyopaasana or Sandhyavandana is prescribed to be performed three times that is known as Trikaala Sandhya – Pratah Sandhya (morning before Sunrise), Madhyaanah Sandhya (before Sun reaches the zenith) and Saayam Sandhya before Sunset.
  4. Astro-Numerical #3 – According to Astro numerology Jupiter is the ruling planet of number three. People born with number three as their birth number are said to be creative and imaginative, success oriented, having positive outlook, sympathetic, peace loving and warm by nature, at the same time highly ambitious, disciplined and do not like subordination. Number three deals with intuition, invokes expression, versatility and pure joy of creativity.
  5. Trimathaachaarya – Sri Sankarachaarya founder of Advaita philosophy, Sri Raamaanujaachaarya founder of Visishtaadvaita philosophy and Sri Madhvaachaarya founder of Dvaita philosophy are together known as Trimathaachaarya, founders and exponents of three great Hindu philosophies.
  6. Trikarana Suddhi – Purity in thought (mind), speech (talk) and deed (action) is known as Trikarana Suddhi. Any action performed with Trikarana suddhi yields positive results. It is otherwise also known as Mano (Manasa) – Vaak (Vaacha) – Kaaya (limbs) Karmana. 
  7. Triveni Sangam – The sacred Sangam is the confluence of three of the holiest rivers in Hindu mythology Ganga, Yamuna and the mythical Saraswati which is also called the river of enlightenment.  It is said and believed that it is one of the four sacred spots where a few drops of the nectar ‘Amrutha” spilled while it was carried by Lord Maha Vishnu during the episode of Ksheera Saagara Madhanam. The other three are Haridwar, Nasik, and Ujjain.
  8. Tripathagaamini or Tripathaga – Goddess Ganga (Ganga River) is known as Tripathagaamini the one who flows in all the three worlds, Heaven (Swarga), Bhoo Loka (Earth) and Nether Worlds – In Heaven it is known as Mandaakini, on the Earth it is known as Ganga (Ganges) and in the Netherworlds it is known as Bhogavathi.
  9. Tridosha – Medical science of Aayurveda is based mainly on the concept of three defects (tridosha) of the body viz. Vaata, Pitta and Kapha.

10. Triphala – It is an Aayurvedic herbal formula a mixture of three fruits viz. Amalaki (Indian Gooseberry), Bibhitaki and Haritaki that is being used since ancient times as a very popular, potent and powerful aayurvedic remedy for three doshas related to Vaata, Pitta and Kapha. The medicine is available in the form of powder, tablets as well as syrup. The medicine has a balancing effect on the three constitutional elements that govern human life that boosts the immune system. It is used in a wide range of applications, specifically in digestive disorders, constipation etc.

11. Trivarna Pathaaka – National flag of India is a tricolored flag having three colours viz. Saafron signifying sacrifice, Green that signifies prosperity and White that signifies peace.

12. In Zoroastrianism there are three ethical principles. Humata, Hukhta,  Huveshta meaning to think good,  to speak good, to act good.

13. Under Muslim law a man can divorce his wife by repeating the phrase Talaq, meaning “I divorce thee” three times.

14. According to Benjamin Disraeli (British Prime Minister, 1804-1881) there are three degrees of lies:  Lies – Damned Lies – Statistics.

15. Petals of the Iris Flower – The iris flower were a symbol of power in ancient Egypt. It was often placed on sceptres of rulers and kings. The three large petals of the iris flower symbolize: Faith – Wisdom – Courage. The iris flower is named after the Greek messenger goddess, Iris.

16. The octopus has three hearts.

17. Camels have three eyelids.

18. Cats have a third eyelid. It is called the haw.

19. Squabbling Day – The third day of the Chinese New Year is often called the “Squabbling Day”. People will avoid visiting family and friends on this day as it may result in quarrels. A visit to the temple is a better choice.

20. The Three Wise Monkeys – Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil.

21. Sun Goddess Amaterasu – Shinto – The three symbols of the sun goddess. The Mirror – symbol of truth and wisdom. The Jewel symbol of compassion. The Sword – symbol of strength and courage.

22. In Greek myth three bothers Zeus, Poseidon and Hades were each rulers of their worlds. 1. Zeus – ruler of the sky, 2. Poseidon – ruler of the sea, 3. Hades – ruler of the underworld. Their equivalents in Roman myth were Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.

23. In Roman mythology the Moeraes were called the Fates. 1. The first was known as “The spinner”. She spun the life web of the humans. Her name was Clotho in Greek Mythology and Nona in Roman Mythology. 2. the second was known as” The Apportioner”.  She decided how long each human was to live. Her name was Lachesis in Greek Mythology and Decima in Roman Mythology. 3. The third was known as “The Inevitable”. She cut the thread of life when it was time for someone to die. Her name was Atropos in Greek Mythology and Morta in Roman Mythology.

24. Trirathika (Three charioteers) – Asvatthama, Krpa and Satyaki, the three eminent bow-men who took part in the Mahabharata battle were called Trirathikas meaning three great charioteers.

25. Trikarma – Hindu scriptures divide karma into three kinds – Sanchita, Prarabda and agamika karma. Sanchita is the accumulated karma. It would be impossible to experience and endure all karmas in one lifetime. From this stock of sanchita karma, a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of actions, which have begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only on their fruit being enjoyed and not otherwise, is known as prarabdha karma. Prarabdha Fruit-bearing karma is the portion of accumulated karma that has “ripened” and appears as a particular problem in the present life. Agamika is everything that we produce in the current life. Only in human life we can change our future destiny.

26. Kharatraya – Yavakshara, sajjikshara, sohaga. — Diuretic, expectorant  …

27. Triphala – Dry fruit rind powders of these three, in equal quantities is called as Triphala. Haritaki – Terminalia chebula, Vibhitaki – Terminalia bellirica, Amalaki – Emblica officinalis.

28. Trikatu Churna – Pippali – long pepper fruit – Piper longum, Maricha – black pepper – Piper nigrum and Shunti – Ginger – Zingiber officinalis are together in equal quantities is called as Trikatu or Trayushana.

29. Trimada – Musta – Nut grass – Cyperus rotundus, Chitraka – Leadwort – Plumbago zeylanica, Vidanga – False black pepper – Embelia ribes are together called as Trimada. This combination improves digestion, useful in worm infestation.

30. Trimadhura or Madhura Traya – Ghrita – ghee, Guda – jiggery and Makshika – honey are together called Trimadhura or Madhura traya.

31. Trijata – (Trisugandhi) – Twak – Cinnamon – Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Ela – Cardamom – Elettaria cardamomum and Patra – Cinnamomum tamala are together called as Trijata / Trisugandhi

32. Lavana traya – Three salts. Saindhava, Sauvarchala (ruchaka) and Vida Lavana

33. Ksharatraya – Yava, swarjika and tankana.

34. Triparikrantha – one who has overcome three internal foes, kama, krodha and lobha.

35. Trikhara – three acidic substances, natron, saltpetre and borax.

36. Trisamridha – a cow that is triply fortunate – not obstinate, milk giving and fertile.

37. Trivikrama – Vishnu who conquered all the three worlds in three steps.

38. Buddhism – The Three Cardinal Faults. At the very centre of the Samsara, The Wheel of life, there are three symbols of the cardinal faults of humans. The pig symbolizing greed, the snake symbolizing hatred and the cock symbolizing delusion.