Venu Payyanur
Number 10 – symbolically represents the incarnations of GOD, the coming together of 1 and 0, the saguna brahman and the nirguna brahman. An incarnation is GOD in human form.
- Lord Vishnu has taken 10 incarnations.
- Ten is the foundation of most counting systems, including the decimal systems.
- In Bible, there are 10 commandments.
- To reduce something to one tenth or make almost extinct is called ‘decimate’.
- Something that scores perfectly, like in sports, is called perfect 10.
Number 18 – This number has great spiritual significance in Hinduism.
- There are 18 Parvas in Mahabharata.
- Bhagavad Gita has 18 chapters.
- Mahabharata war was fought by 18 divisions of army (11 in the side of Kauravas and 7 in the side of Pandavas) and lasted 18 days.
- All the vedas have 18 chapters.
- There are 18 puranas.
- Sabarimala Ayyappa temple has 18 holy steps and the Darshan is complete only if one climbs the 18 steps with ‘irumudi’ on his head. The 18 steps have great spiritual significance. First five steps symbolises the five indriyas, vision, hearing, smelling, tasting and touching. The next 8 steps symbolises the ‘ashta-ragas’ of kama, krodha, lobha, moha, madha, matsarya, asooya and dhumb. (desire, anger, avarice, lust, pride, competition, jealousy and boastfulness ). Next three steps represents the three gunas, satva, tajas and tamas. The last two steps represents vidya (knowledge) and avidya (ignorance).
- One becomes major at the age of 18.
Number 108 – another number with great spiritual and symbolic significance in Hinduism.
- 0 stands for nirguna brahman, the GOD, 1 stands for saguna brahman, the god in human form and 8 signifies eternity.
- In one minute, we breathe in approximately 15 times, in 1 hour 900 times, and in 12 hours 10800 times, and in a day 10800 * 2 times. A day consists of 24 hours, and if we set aside half the day for our day to day routines, then one can spend 12 hours for recitation of one’s idol. Therefore, the maximum number of times one can recite “mantra”, or perform “Jap” are 10800. If one wants to obtain 100% benefit of its jap, then performing jap 108 times will give you the benefit of 100%. That’s why in a “Mala”, there are 108 beads. It is written in Vedas, that 1 Jap corresponds to 1 mala (which has 108 beads), therefore performing jap of 108 malas will result in 100% benefit.
- Astronomically, there are 27 constellations in our galaxy, and each one them has 4 directions, and 27 * 4 = 108, In other words the number 108 covers the whole galaxy.
- According to Indian mythology, there are 4 Yugs
- Satyug – consists of 1728000 years (1+7+2+8 = 18 == (1+8 = 9)
- TretaYug consists of 1296000 years (1+2+9+6 = 18 = (1+8 = 9)
- DwaparYug consists of 864000 years (8+4+6) = 18 = (1+8 = 9)
- Kaliyug consists of 432000 years (4+3+2) = 9
- (1×1) x (2×2) x (3x3x3) = 1x4x27 = 108. (So what?)
- Sanskrit alphabet: There are 54 letters in the Sanskrit alphabet. Each has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti. 54 times 2 are 108.
- There are 108 Upanishads
- Sri Yantra: On the Sri Yantra there are 54 marmas where three lines intersect. Each intersection has masculine and feminine, shiva and shakti qualities. Thus, there are 108 points that define the Sri Yantra as well as the human body.
- According to Ayurveda, there are 108 pressure points in our body.
- There are 108 feelings, with 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.
- In astrology, there are 12 houses and 9 planets. 12 times 9 equal 108.
- Sun and Earth: The diameter of the Sun is 108 times the diameter of the Earth. The distance from the Sun to the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Sun.
- Moon and Earth: The average distance of the Moon from the Earth is 108 times the diameter of the Moon.
- The Nepalese parliament has 108 seats.
- Buddhist followers use 108 beads in their malas. They implement the following formula:
- 6 x 3 x 2 x3 = 108
- 6 senses [sight, sound, smell, taste, touch, thought]
- 3 aspects of time [past, present, future]
- 2 condition of heart [pure or impure]
- 3 possibilities of sentiment [like, dislike, indifference]
- Most Hindu deities have 108 names – Ashtothara satha namavali.
- In India the emergency toll free number is 108.
Amazing….. the details of 108 some thing new… Great and very interesting reading.