1. Tyajyas – (things to be shunned) . A. Horse returning after bath, elephant in its rut, love-lorn bull and wicked scholar. B. Evil action, unhealthy region, evil wife and bad foods.
  2. Danas (Gifts) – Gifts daily given without expecting return or result is Nityadana. Gifts given to scholars (pundits) for the sake of alleviation of or redemption from sin are Naimittikadana. Gifts given for welfare and prosperity is Kamyakadana. Offering made to propitiate God is Vimala.
  3. Nayakas (Heroes)-  Dhirodatta, Dhiroddhata, Dhiralalita, Dhirasanta.
  4. Naris( Women) – Padmini, Sankhini, Citrini, and Hastini.
  5. Pramanas( Means of valid knowledge) – Pratyaksa, Anumana, Upamana, and Sabda.
  6. Moksas (Salvation). Salokya, Samipya, Sarupya and Sayujya.
  7. Yoga –  Jnanayoga, Bhaktiyoga, Karmayoga and Dhyanayoga.
  8. Satrus (Enemies) –  Mother leading an immoral life; father who incurs debt; foolish son and beautiful wife.
  9. Sastras-  Nitisastra, Tarkasastra, Manusmrti and Kamasastra.
  10. Caturamla – Four sour substances – vetasa, vrikshamla, brihaj-jambira and nimbaka.
  11. Caturushana – four hot spices – black and long pepper, dry ginger and the root of long pepper.
  12. Caturbhadra – Extremely auspicious objects of human desire A. Dharma, Kama, Artha and bala. B. Kiti, ayus, yashas and bala. C. Dharma, jnana, aisvarya and vairagya.  D. dana, jnana, saurya and bhoga.
  13. Caturyuga – There are four yugas, satya, dwapara, treat and kali.
  14. Caturmedha – one who Has offered four sacrifices – ashva, purusha, sarva and pitri medha.
  15. Caturdhama – the four places of pilgrimage in the four corners of India, viz. Badrinath in the North, Rameswaram in the South, Jagannatha Puri in East and Dwaraka in the West. Every Hindu must visit these four places in his lifetime.
  16. Catus-sana – the four “manasaputras” of Brahma. Sanaka, Sanatkumara, Sanatsujata, and Sanandana.
  17. Four Noble Truths – Dukkha – The Noble Truth of Suffering , Samudaya – The Noble Truth of the Cause of Suffering , Nirodha – The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering , Magga – The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering
  18. The Four Heavenly Kings – are said to currently live in the Cāturmahārājika heaven on the lower slopes of Mount Sumeru. They are the protectors of the world and fighters of evil, each able to command a legion of supernatural creatures to protect the Dharma. They are Vaiśravaṇa (Kubera) meaning he who hears everything,  Virūḍhaka, he who causes to grow, Dhṛtarāṣṭra, he who upholds the realm  and Virūpākṣa , he who sees all.
  19. Four Foundations of Mindfulness in Buddhism – contemplation of the body, contemplation of feelings, contemplation of mind, contemplation of mental objects
  20. The mammalian heart consists of four chambers.
  21. There are four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
  22. Most furniture has four legs – tables, chairs, etc.
  23. Most vehicles, including motor vehicles, and particularly cars/automobiles and light commercial vehicles have four road wheels.
  24. In cricket, a four is scored when the ball crosses the boundary after touching the ground at least once. Taking four wickets in four consecutive balls is typically referred to as a double hat trick (two consecutive, overlapping hat tricks).
  25. The phrase “four-letter word” is used to describe most swear words in the English language, as most swear words do indeed possess four letters.
  26. Four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, winter.
  27. Four cardinal virtues: justice, prudence, temperance, fortitude.
  28. Four suits of playing cards: hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
  29. Four estates: politics, administration, judiciary, journalism. Especially in the expression “Fourth Estate”, this means journalism.
  30. Four is the only number that has the same amount of letters as its actual value.
  31. Four dimensions of modern science: length, breadth, width, and time.
  32. In Japan, the four brings misfortune. They avoid to pronounce it because the same word means “the death
  33. Several prominent facts come to associate the number four to the cross of the Christ: the four segments of the cross; the four kinds of wood which were used for the construction of the cross of Christ : the palm tree, the olive-tree, the cedar and the cypress, the four letters I.N.R.I. engraved on the cross.
  34. The Buddhism is based on the four truths taught by “Cakkya-Mouni”: “Kou”, the pain exists in the birth, the old age, the disease, the attachment, etc.; “Tou”, it is the sharing of all the creatures: its origin is the thirst of existence, pleasures, power; “Mou”, the man must be liberated by the annihilation of the desire; “Tau”, the means to arrive at this setting free is the practice of the “eight branches of the noble path”.
  35. The quaternary of the motto of the alchemists: to know, to want, to dare, to hush.
  36. Four steps to accountability – To see, to own, to solve and to do.
  37. The Quran authorizes the polygamy, allowing a man to have as far as four women.
  38. According to C.G. Jung, psyches of the man are governed by the following four psychological functions: the thought, the intuition, the feeling and the sentiment.
  39. The four fundamental parts of the organic chemistry: carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and nitroge
  40. nThe cow’s stomach is divided in four digestive compartments: reticulum, rumen, omasum and abomasum
  41. Four cardinal directions: north, south, east, west.
  42. Four Temperaments: sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic






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