Entries by Venu Payyanur

Practical and Spiritual Life – Part 1

Venu Payyanur Modern life is beset with innumerable problems. Some of the most common issues are Physical, mental and emotional stress Health problems. Sleeplessness. Disturbed family relations. Addiction to alcohol, drugs, etc. Violence in the society. Corruption, dishonest and immoral behaviour. Environmental and ecological problems. Lack of basic values in life. Lack of self-discipline Any […]

ABC of being a great Employee – Part 3

ABC of being a great Employee – Part 3 Venu Payyanur In the previous two articles, we discussed as to how to be a “Great Employee”. However to be successful, one also needs a great organization that supports your vision, actions and aspirations! Though many organizations today claim that “Employees are their best asset”, how […]

ABC of being a great Employee – Part 2

Venu Payyanur  In the previous article, 116 attributes were mentioned that helps a person to be successful in life as well as in profession. The list was only indicative and one can dwell on each of those individual attributes at length. Essentially all those attribute could be classified into three categories. Character/Personality, Attitude/behaviour and knowledge/Skill. […]

Managing Expectation in a fast growing high technology company

Venu Payyanur As the organization grows, expectation of the stakeholders also grows, at times more dramatically than the business itself. Shareholders expect higher profitability and return on their investments while employees are looking for higher salaries and benefits. Customers demand the best product at the lowest cost with unprecedented levels of service and support. Balancing […]

Vidharaniti – Part 3

Who is a fool? 1. He who is ignorant of scriptures, yet vain, poor yet proud, and who resorts to unfair means for the acquisition of his objects, is a fool. 2. He who, forsaking his own, concerns himself with the objects of others, and who practises deceitful means for serving his friends, is called […]